I spoke with whom some might call the Style Network’s “Big Rich Texas” cast antagonists Bonnie (“Bon” or “Dr. Bon”) Blossman and her daughter Whitney Whatley, but don’t get it twisted, these gals can hold their own. Bon has a PhD in Biology and teaches at the University of North Texas at Arlington where she’s won an award for her teaching excellence. She also has a myriad of other pursuits including: a published author whose most recent work is the novel in the Fiona Frost Mystery Series, CEO of My Mystery Party, Get Your Nerd On clothing line celebrating intelligent women, CEO of Zakkem Publishing Company, a recording artist with several music releases, and a guitarist. She’s also an avid philanthropist who supports a vast array of charities in support of children, health, and the LGBT community.
Whitney has many similar interests as her mom, and they often work together on various ventures. As mentioned in my season 1 interview, Whitney has her own t-shirt line and you’ll learn more about what she’s accomplished in this first part of the interview series. I sense that Whitney’s a very determined young lady. At this point in her life, the sky’s the limit, so we’ll just wait and see how this cunt tattoo sporting gal blossoms into her own.
I had the opportunity to interview Bon and Whitney during season 1 of “Big Rich Texas” and that interview has been consistently among the most read articles on my blog. With that said, I had to speak to them again, now that season 2 is underway, and this time I’m bringing you even more than I did before. I’ll be splitting up the interview into parts with this one being the launch. In part 1, I revisit Whitney’s tattoos and a particular one that has brought her fame…or infamy, address some rumors courtesy of a comment made on one of my “Big Rich Texas” blog posts, and share some of their newest endeavors that you haven’t read anywhere else yet. 😉
I conducted this interview just prior to episode 5 aired from season 2 and am releasing it just prior to the airing of episode 6 so don’t get mad at a sista if you read something that has been sorted out this season. If any of you are like me, my DVR is my savior, so you might appreciate a few teasers to inspire an afternoon on the couch catching up on “Big Rich Texas.”
I’ve embedded several videos of Bon and Whitney throughout. Make sure you scroll to the bottom for even more videos including a super cute animated series “Botox Bonnie and Wonder Whit”- just one of Bon’s animated creations.
Whitney’s Tattoos
VIDEO: Whitney’s Tattoo Cover Up Tips via the Style Network (click here for direct link to video on YouTube)
Ifelicious: Have any opportunities come your way directly as the result of being on show?
Whitney: Oh ya, I’m going to do a pin-up girl photo shoot. It’s probably going to be in two magazines. One is called ‘Inked Girls.’
Ifelicious: By the way, was the ‘cunt’ tattoo ever fully covered up?
Whitney: Oh no, I still have it. I don’t want to get rid of it. I think it’s too famous now.
Bon: I disagree with her. I think she should get rid of it.
Whitney: No, I think I’ll make it more pretty.
Ifelicious: You’re going to have to insure it like J-Lo insured her butt after she became famous for it.
Ifelicious: Yes, she did back when her music career, in particular, really started taking off and people used to talk about the J-Lo booty.
Whitney: That’s hilarious! I need insurance for my foot.
Blog Commenter Fact Check: Dispelling Myths
Ifelicious: There’s someone [“Allie”] who left a comment on my blog, and I just want to fact check. Some of it is related to ‘Big Rich Texas’ in general and some of it is related to you, Bon, specifically…How do you respond to people who say the show is fake?
Bon: This is how it works. We pitch to…the production company, exactly what we have going on in our lives. Like they’ll say, ‘We’re going to film between April and June,’ and we just tell them what’s going on, and they basically will cherry pick what’s the best thing that they think will fit in their story and what will make good TV. Like, when I told them I was teaching a class, they almost came to film it but then they backed off…For [people] to say it’s fake is kind of ludicrous.
Whitney: Whenever I got in a fight with Tyler, I’m not an actress, and when I fight that’s totally real. There’s real feelings involved. The fights are real. Me and Kalyn really do not get along.
Bon: One more thing about calling our show fake, I can only speak for me and Whitney and what we’re involved in, but everything…can be fact checked. All you need to do is Google us, look at our websites. We’re very verifiable.
Ifelicious: So this commenter on my blog goes on. I always find it awkward to ask people questions about money, but I’m just going to ask the question since they stated it as fact, ‘A season pays $2000.’ You can just respond with ‘true,’ ‘false,’ or ‘no comment.’
Ifelicious: Are you leasing your house?
Ifelicious: Would that be true of pretty much everybody else on the show? The other part of the comment made on my blog was that ‘Pam is on the verge of bankruptcy.’
Bon: I have no idea [about Pam]. The reason I lease my house is because it is not a good financial decision at this point with our recession to buy, and my son is about to be a senior in high school, and we don’t want to be tied down to a big family home at this point in our lives…It definitely is not a reflection on my income.
Bon and Whitney’s New Ventures
VIDEO: Book Trailer for Volume 1 of Fiona Frost: Murder at Foster Manor (click here for direct link to video on YouTube)
Ifelicious: I could totally see the two of you doing a spinoff. If you ever did…what would you like it to show about your lives together?
Bon: We have this real different direction that we’re about to take…we were just talking about it today is doing a Bill Nye the Science Guy meets Pee Wee’s Playhouse kind of show. At first, it’s going to be an online show, and we might pitch it as a TV show later. I’m a scientist. I’m a teacher, and Whitney would be my assistant on the show. It’s going to have puppets and all kinds of stuff.
Whitney: I think she should leave the puppets out of it.
Ifelicious: Why?…Everybody loves a puppet.
Bon: Thank you! We’re doing puppets.
Ifelicious: How developed is that now? Is it just an idea you’re bouncing around? Is it actively happening?
Bon: I have all of my outlines down. I’m in character development right now, but I’m probably going to release the first video on [my] YouTube [channel] in a month. I’m going to start at the college level because I promised my past students that I would do it. [The first one is] going to be Biochemistry which is boring, but I’m going to make it not boring. I’m going work my way down to middle school [level], and that’s where I’m going to find a home with the show.
Ifelicious: Do you have an official title for the show yet?
Bon: Not yet, but I’m tying it into my new murder mystery novel series which is Fiona Frost. The character I’m going to play is going to be Fiona’s mother’s friend.
…Also, Whitney wants to tell you about her Med Spa that she’s going to open.
Whitney: I’m a licensed aesthetician in the state of Florida, but I’m going to go back to school for my Texas license. I’d say about this time next year, I’ll have my own Med Spa.
Ifelicious: Oh really? Since we’re talking about that, I might as well segue into some questions about Dr. Adelglass. Are you still working for him?
Whitney: You’ll have to watch to find out.
Ifelicious: Oh geez Louise! I can only guess where that’s heading. Are you going to get fired?
Whitney: I don’t know. I’m not a bad kid. I don’t get fired.
Stay tuned for more with Bon and Whitney on Ifelicious Thoughts! Given that episode 6 airs today, I’ll be putting the next part online shortly where we talked about the newest cast members DeAynni Hatley and her daughters Shaye and Amber as well as returning to that good ole beef between Pam and Bon that takes a new turn in episode 6, Bon and Whitney’s drama with Leslie Birkland and Kalyn Niccole Braun. The series will wrap up in the third part with a look back at Bon’s renewing of vows and finding out if Whitney ever plans to leave the nest.
Read all of my blog posts related to “Big Rich Texas,” including cast interviews by CLICKING HERE. CLICK HERE FOR Part 2/3 of this interview series, and CLICK HERE for Part 3/3 of this interview series.
Keep up with the latest from Bon and Whitney online:
- Dr. Bon Blossman’s website (includes a blog and comprehensive set of links to all of her projects), Twitter, Facebook fan page, YouTube channel
- Whitney Whatley’s website (also includes links to any of her other projects), Twitter, Facebook
Also, follow “Big Rich Texas” online via the show website, Facebook fan page (I also like the Fans of Big Rich Texas fan page), Twitter (also using hashtag #BigRichTexas), YouTube
Related Links
Bon and Whitney’s blog posts on the Style Network’s “Big Rich Texas” page (I wish they would just let me link to you all of her blog posts on their site at once, but it’s not set up that way at the time of this blog post.)
- Bonnie Blogs on the latest episode of ‘BRT’ (this is about episode 5)
- Bonnie on her gothic ‘Big Rich Texas’ wedding
- Bonnie Blossman of ‘Big Rich Texas’ shares her wedding photos!
- ‘Big Rich Texas’ Season Premiere: Bon Blogs
- Bonnie on sweet soirees and her scientific approach to life
- Bon talks kids and mums
- Whitney weighs in on Kalyn’s ‘Big Rich Texas’ tricks
- Whitney dishes on the pageant high jinks
Other related links
- Cinderella’s Glass Closet– Dr. Bon Blossman answers ‘Big Rich Texas’ sized interview questions!
- Life and Style– Life and Style Exclusive: ‘Big Rich Texas’ Bon Blossman says Texas is better than Jersey
- Lamont Media Consulting Group– The ‘Nicole Barrett Show’ announces Bonnie Blossman as guest co-host (PRESS RELEASE)
- The Ride– Pretty Wild: Talking with Whitney Whatley of ‘Big Rich Texas’
- Examiner– Exclusive interview with Dr. Bon Blossman: the real behind reality
You gotta see this one!!! VIDEO: Botox Bonnie and Wonder Whit- Episode 1 (there’s a whole series online)
(click here for direct link to video on YouTube)
VIDEO: Big Rich Texas- Bonnie’s Cyber Bully via the Style Network (click here for direct link to video on YouTube)
VIDEO: ‘Big Rich Texas’ Bonnie and Whitney in support of GLAAD (click here for direct link to video on YouTube)
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