LAST UPDATED OCT 27, 2009 AT 10:30 PM EST (tags on photos #53, #54, #58)
Here are my red carpet photos from the FOX Reality Channel Really Awards after party at Area Nightclub in West Hollywood. This is everything that I took that night. The next update will include names. In the meantime, if you have a particular interest or question about a photo, use my CONTACT page and reference the yellow number from the photo(s) in question.
All pictures posted below were taken by yours truly (me). 🙄
NOTE: If you can name any of the people in photos that I have not been able to identify, please leave a comment. Same is true if I’ve made any errors. Thanks!
1.) Aza (model/actress) , 2.) Emilee Fitzpatrick (MTV “Real World: Cancun”) , 3.) Vicki Lizzi, Jeff Conaway (VH1 “Celebrity Rehab”) , 4.) Karla Cavalli, Mark Long, Chelsea Cannell (E! “That Morning Show”) , 5.) Donnie Athens (R&B singer), Eric Zuley (WTV)
6.) Mark W. Gray (Rocket Pictures), Peter Ramsey , 7.) Dennis Luciani , 8.) Esau Knight , 9.) Paul Cruz , 10.) Lorrie Arias (“The Swan Seas 2”), Jeremy ___ , 11.) Luenell (actress)
12.) Karla ___ , 13.) Kristen DeLuca (actress) , 14.) Prince Ali (recording artist) , 15.) Jeff Michaels (ABC “Dating in the Dark”) , 16.) Adam Taki , 17.) Lauren Slater (Kooza Icon- Cirque de Soleil)
18.) Jamal Dennis (actor) 19.) Jamal Dennis, Savannah Ward (actress) , 20.) Jordan Yale Levine (producer), ___ , 21.) Johnny V , 22.) and 23.) ____
24.) Jennia Fredrique (actress) , 25.) ___ , Karla Cavalli, Mark Long, Chelsea Cannell, ___ , 26.) Mark Long , 27.) and 28.) Phoebe Price (actress)
29.) Julann (VH1 “My Antonio”) , 30.) Big Dog (rapper), ___ , 31.) ____, ____ , 32.) Jimmy Heck (TV Land “The Cougar”) , 33.) Jimmy Heck, David Harrison Levi , 34.) Jimmy Heck, Bria Roberts (actress)
35.) and 36.) Jimmy Heck, Bria Roberts , 37.) Chad Tulik (2008 FOX Really Award for Best Fight) , 38.) Ameona Almund (actress/model/comedian) , 39.) and 40.) Heather Chadwell (VH1 “Rock of Love”, “I Love Money”, “Charm School 2”), Carlo Mendez (actor)
41.) Minnie Foxx (actress/model/singer) , 42.) Melissa LeEllen (actress) , 43.) Prancer and Cali (VH1 “Real Chance of Love”, “I Love Money 2”), ___ , 44.) Prancer and Cali , 45.) Prancer , 46.) Carol Rodriguez (Olympic track and field)
47.) Carol Rodriguez , 48.) CC Perkinson (actress) , 49.) CC Perkinson, Sabrina A. Parisi , 50.) CC Perkinson, Sabrina A. Parisi, ___, ___ , 51.) ____
52.) Jesse Lewis (VH1 “America’s Most Smartest Model”) , 53.) ___, CC Perkinson, ___, Kiarah Jones (model) , 54.) Sabrina Parisi, Phillip Delacruz (owner “The President’s Tequila”), Kiarah Jones (model) , 55.) Jose Acevedo (Showtime “Weeds”)
56.) Thomas R. Bond II (Pres/CEO of Biograph Company Pictures), Frank Marks (VP of Biograph) , 57.) ___, Murtz Jaffer (“Reality Obsessed”) , 58.) ___, Kiarah Jones (model) , 59.) ___, ___ , 60.) Frenchie , 61.) Brittanya (VH1 “Rock of Love”)
62.) Hot Wings (VH1 “Real Chance of Love”) , 63.) Romain Rey-Chavent (Big Brother-France aka “Loft Story”), Chima Simone (CBS “Big Brother 11”), David Harrison Levi , 64.) ___
65.) party photos from inside Area Nightclub
66.) members from GyrlBand party inside Area Nightclub , 67.) Ifelicious (journalist/blogger/photographer), Koi Sojer (photographer)
68.) Julie Meise (“Real TV” co-host) , 69.) Sheri Nadel (“Real TV” co-host) , 70.) Tenille Repinski (actress/model)
Related Links
- Ifelicious Thoughts– The 2009 FOX Reality Channel Really Awards Official After Party at Area Nightclub on Oct 13, 2009
- Ifelicious Thoughts– all posts related to FOX Really Awards event coverage
- PR Photos– Celebrity sightings at Area Nightclub on October 13, 2009
- FOX Reality Channel Really Awards official website–
- VH1– Fox Reality Channel Really Awards photo gallery
- Exposay– FOX Really Awards afterparty at Area Nightclub photo gallery
- Wire Image– FOX Really Awards afterparty at Area Nightclub photo gallery
The girls in number 66 are a British girl group called GyrlBand
@Rachel Leeds- Thank you! I have updated photo #66 based on your info.