UPDATE February 2, 2010: Check out my EXCLUSIVE post for the latest on casting for Five Good Years. Click HERE!!!

FourTwoFive Films is really upping the ante on their latest movie project Five Good Years. With a larger budget and a script that has been getting great reviews, it’s no wonder folks are turning heads.
In previous posts, I’ve mentioned Hustle and Flow‘s Taryn Manning has joined the cast and that they were close to sealing the deal with Entourage star Jerry Ferrara. Of course, there was in the mysterious failed deal with Jason Wahler. Now, Bruce Reisman shares the company’s intentions of pursuing Kathy Bates (from Revolutionary Road, About Schmidt, and Misery just to name a few) to join the cast. Susan Smith, agent for Kathy Bates, is one who veteran Bruce Reisman calls “one of the great class acts remaining in the business.” With a roster that includes Kathy Bates, there’s no questioning that statement.
Here’s our conversation below…
Ifelicious: You mentioned Taryn Manning and Jerry Ferrara for Five Good Years. Anyone else you’re looking at?
Bruce: Yes, we’ve got the script out to Kathy Bates’s people and her manager likes it very much and we’re going to try and make that work if [we can] with her schedule and money and all that to play the mother.
Ifelicious: Wow, that would be great!
Bruce: That would be great. If that works out, it will be a dream come true because when we wrote the movie, it’s like, “Who do we have in mind?” we thought, “Kathy Bates.” It was always Kathy Bates.
Ifelicious: So she was sort of an inspiration for that character.
Bruce: Always, yes, but you can’t be married to that because if she’s not available or if she doesn’t like the script, you’re not going to get her, but we’re halfway there because the manager likes the script.
Ifelicious: Good luck.
Bruce: We’ll make her a formal offer, and she’ll either say yes or no. We hope she says yes.
Well, I’m hoping she says yes! Kathy Bates is a wonderful, accomplished actress. Signing her would definitely get heads turning to this indie film company’s second project.
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hope she is fine
Sabine Huber