I first committed to watching From Gs to Gents after interviewing Mikey P. To me, this was another reality show for the purposes of fun and entertainment. My only point of similar reference was Mo’Nique’s Charm School that aired on VH-1 sometime last year. I recently “found” and “befriended” Saaphyri on myspace, and just her profile picture alone gave me the impression that Charm School did not have a lasting impact on at least her exterior persona (I have no clue or insight into the real Saaphyri so I won’t hate…at least in this post..wink-wink). So, I pretty much had the same low expectations for Gs to Gents. However, after reading all of your comments over the past week, I realized that this show meant so much more to so many people.
Perhaps no story resonated as much as the tale of Thaddeus, more popularly known as “Creepa“. His rags to riches journey told through the fishbowl of reality television has given hope to so many people. Surprisingly enough to me and to Jamie Foxx’s credit, this show has suddenly become a testament and spotlight on POSITIVE strides from an African American man. That’s soooooo not MTV, but perhaps they were hoodwinked by this one.
I’m not gonna try to act like I suddenly relate to Creepa’s struggle or even claim that I am as moved as much as some of you have been. I come from a privileged upbringing, by contrast, and have been very blessed with modest but meaningful successes along the way. I am, however, glad to see a show speak to the souls of my African American community at a time when we are experiencing enormous changes to our American political landscape. The voice of America is crying for more, and this show seemed to sneak in and deliver.
Jamie Foxx and Fonzworth Bentley go ahead with your bad selves!!! 😎
Creepa, you have touched so many lives. You betta recognize! …and reach for the stars.
I hate to follow that statement with one about Kesan since he really showed off with that punk ass shizz! You are THE shining example of what everyone expected this show to be AND exactly what it wasn’t. I completely take back my kindergarten crush that I had a few episodes back because your temper and that sucker punch you gave E6 was completely out of line. I was waiting for Fonzworth Bentley to renig on his anger management counseling because you just threw thousands of dollars out the window with your actions. True transformation does not come until you are ready, willing, and most importantly open to change, and I don’t see that in you yet. Even the apology was questionable. For goodness sake, you were on national television and I can’t help but think that that truth lulled you into an act of apology.
T-Jones, what would the show be without you? You make everybody smile, and it’s good to see you doing more than you were before the show. Hopefully, you’ll slowly put away your “laziness tendencies” as you make a little loot of your own with your online business. You definitely have the personality to be an actor or standup comedian or something like that. We’ll be keeping our eye out for you down the road.
As much time as I spent wooing over Cee during the season, I was neither here nor there with him tonight. They really didn’t get into what he’s up to now other than the fact that he’s officially dunzo with his on again off again ex-girlfriend. Tonight was really about Creepa.
It was nice to see Shotta got hooked up with a job at that barber shop. He seems to be staying on the straight and narrow and looking good
So, what did you think?
Between MTV , VH-1 and BET is it possible for anyone to make Black Men look worse? Stereotype after stereotype,all day,everyday. Makes me want to vomit!! Damn.people! Stand up and take back the culture and stop supporting this trash.
@miguel- point taken. however, i don’t turn on MTV, VH-1 and BET to be educated. they are entertainment channels.
Gs to Gents did not only attack black male stereotypes. there were plenty of other cultures represented in the cast that would arguably fall under stereotypes as well.
i am one that watched the show all the time. got caught up in the action etc. but now i am thinking was the show even real? i was very disappointed when i was watching ATL, yeah the movie. have you ever paid attention to Ant’s friend? Ant (Diana Ross’s son) was Rashad’s (TI) lil brother. In the scene where he saw the guy jump out the pool and run into the locker room and the guy was tryin to dry out his money……..does that guy look a lil familiar? It was Kesan…… or is that even his real name…..if you got the movie check it out…..It was a speaking part so im sure he got the recognition for it. so my question is how real is Reality TV? Kesan was probably put on the show to cause drama….boost ratings….well it worked…cause everybody hated that lil dude.
@swaggachick- hmmm! now you make we want to watch ATL again. i know that mtv shops their cast to create one that’s visual and behaviorally manufactured. oh, who knows… MTV is riding the fact that people are watching anyway.
ya, Kesan was a mess. i think he has anger issues in real life because you can’t script that killer sucker punch although i expected E6 to look in much worse shape than he did the rest of the show.
It was such a dissapointment! I thought it would be better.
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