I’m watching Inside Edition and just saw them run a story about the Gosselin couple experiencing some difficulty in their marriage. My first reaction was to gasp, but that didn’t last long. To raise 8 children has got to be stressful on even the best of relationships. Throw in a camera crew following you around 3 times a week and 2 puppies, and…well…what could you possibly expect?
I hope they make it, but maybe it’s time to step away from the reality tv spotlight for a while. At the same time, taping the show has admittedly afforded them many things (I’d suspect even a chunk of change that they could save towards that million dollar home…but that’s simply my own speculation). The evils of money $$$ !
So, I’m reading that Jon was partying out near Juniata College in Huntington, PA (3 hrs from their home, but near where his own family lives) which included some snuggly flirty time (some reports say he did indeed cheat on her) with the ladies at a local bar. I’ll leave some links for you to read the details.
Philadelphia Magazine (I really like this story. It’s like they read my mind, and I saw this after writing my post!)- JON + KATE + 8 = $$$
What’s your prediction? Gosselins remain until death do they part? 6 months? 1 year? More? Less?
If Kate becomes a single mom, will you all go after her like the Nadya Suleman (octuplets mom) reporting on how much everything she buys or wears costs?
How much do you think Jon would have to pay in child support for 8 kids?
I give them a year, especially if they continue to tape the show. I’d hate to be in Jon’s shoes because he’d be paying out his ass in child support. It’s better for them to have one of those understandings like Kobe Bryant and wife Vanessa or Bill Clinton and wife Hilary.
*UPDATE* May 11, 2009- Just adding one more link since I ran across it…
Us Magazine- KATE GOSSELIN: JON IS DEALING “VERY POORLY” WITH BEING IN THE PUBLIC EYE ($50-75K per episode?? Man! I need a reality tv show!)
I was kind of sad to read all of the internet back and forth about the family, only to see that it’s pretty much all true. The Philly paper story was eye opening, especially with regard to Kate not being willing to give interviews when they are promoting a book and still getting money from churches.
I just adore those children. I want to have faith that they all have very nice trust funds set up from funds from the show. Not to mention the 1.3 million dollar house that mommy and daddy just bought for them.
i think it’s totally natural to want to get out and have fun your own way. it’s nice to feel your gender again by having folks of the opposite sex flirt with you (or whatever your preference). so Jon was living. Kate should to. you don’t have to cheat, you can just breathe.