Taking that key was one small step for reality tv but ONE GIANT LEAP FOR FEMINISM!!!!
Who needs Sarah Palin when you have EV? I would munch her rug any day… jk 😎
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you have to watch this season’s Real World-Road Rules “The Island.”
Suck my stretch-marked ass Johnny Bananas!!! Oh, and stop using the “B” word so much. It’s actually painful to get through the episodes with you and the guys flinging that word around like you’ve evolved backwards to simple minded cavemen.
i was just wondering if you knew the song from this episode at the end when Ev is done her speech?
@Samantha- thanks for posting! hopefully someone will stop by with your answer. i don’t have the episode on my dvr anymore but i’ll try to search for it on mtv or something this week. if you find your own answer, post it here so others (and i) can know.
i’m still lovin’ EV even with the way things turned in following episodes. with the latest twist to the challenge, my fingers are still crossed that she makes it to the end.
EV fuckin sux, she sold her soul and left jonny on the island and she should have sent his bum ass home
@omega redd- EV did have the chance to have the last laugh. once she sees the footage where johnny bananas is refusing to go talk to her because he thinks it’s worthless, and how he threw out that pathetic apology in the name of $$$, she might feel different.
before i go on and on, i’ll just update my post about the finale. in this particular episode, she’s still my hero.